Share our love of handbags, books, and all things gossip...okay, and Twilight too.

We're two delightfully crass gals who spend an inordinate amount of time texting and e-mailing one another throughout the day. We've decided to expound on some of our best work. Please to enjoy.


BlogoWriMo Day 8 - For the Dirty Birds

This is going to be quick and dirty. Here are the fics that are pwning me right now (in no particular order...okay well, maybe they are alphabetical):

  1. A Broken Triangle by sjAimee - two words: Jasper+Bella; more words: the writing is wonderful and I can't wait to read more (aka lemons!).

  2. A Fine Line Between by IvyLane - I'm the humble beta for this story so read it. Why? Because everyone loves a little dark Domward.

  3. Becoming Bella by Ms.Bond - I love love love this story. Bella is starting her life over after divorce and meets Mr. Wonderful, er, Edward, but is she ready to love again?

  4. In the Blood by fragilefoxes - Two awesome ladies (onepushyfox and afragilelittlehuman) writing one great story. Bella is the maker in this story and she's a little mean and nasty...poor Edward! Can they forgive and forget?

Just a note...none of these stories are complete yet, so if you only read completed stuff (Bitches), then these are not the stories for you. But if you don't care, please read and give the authors some comment love! They totally deserve it!

And on a last note, I'd like to give you each some corn on the cob cupcakes. Enjoy!

And Mommy FC told me about this, so watch!


bierbeck said...

Oohh thank you for the recs. I am already reading A Broken Triangle and In the Blood but have not heard of the other two. I am always excited to add new ones to my list!

donnersun said...

Those cupcakes make me giggle.

I will add your recs to my's getting big (that's what she said).

Angela Lynn said...

I heart you. The End. =D

One Pushy Fox said...

Thanks for pimping us!!!! For this, I must leave you some ****COMMENT LOVE******

Kim @citygirlinak said...

oh my heck!! those cupcakes are hilariously cute!! and i freakin love taylor swift and that spoof slayed me!

thanks for the recs ladies, ive been needing some new reads, since NONE of the ones i am currently reading have updated.

Honolulu Girl-Suz said...

I promise to read all these great fanfics in December when I'm not so busy! In the blood, I've started and gotz to finish but I would love to read sjAimee's A Broken Triangle. OMG there's too many out there! I haven't even seen one word of Emancipation Proclomation!

Anonymous said...

I love you this is all. Thanks for the pimpage.. You rock me like Aerosmith on a bad day..

I'm hopin to give u some lemon's soon...

Susie From ApplesnFeathers said...

Holy Crap!! Corn Cob Cupcakes!!! Its like all my fantasies about Tatward and CobRob have melted into one! I LOVE IT!!

jrieggs said...

Boo, I can't see the videos you post on either my work PC or the I will never know the hilarity of what you're putting on here!! Argh! But the corn on the cob cupcakes are interesting, you'll have to explain your sudden obsession with corn to me at some point. only 10 days!! k, thanks.

tasha said... just made my day a lil brighter. ;)

Heather said...

OK, Twilight frankenstein version just about made me pee my pants. And those corncob cupcakes better be jellybeans. If that's real corn the only person I know who'd eat it would be my nephew. I watched him eat 3 ears of corn last night and he's only 3.
The Rob corn pics seemed a little strange to me. Hot, but strange.

Anonymous said...*can't hold out much longer*

I'm a spoof this one (although I think the Peter Coffin ones are still at the top of my list). I almost choked (laughing), on accident. *bwuahaha!*

PS - Nice cupcakes ;)

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