Share our love of handbags, books, and all things gossip...okay, and Twilight too.

We're two delightfully crass gals who spend an inordinate amount of time texting and e-mailing one another throughout the day. We've decided to expound on some of our best work. Please to enjoy.


BlogoWriMo Day 16 - It's a Love Story

A few weeks ago I got a bright idea. They don't happen very often, so I seized it and immediately went to work. After selling my beloved U2 tickets last month (seriously, I missed out on Muse too, but I will be seeing them next July), I had a little money left over and decided that it would be fun to spend it on some Twi merch. Around the same time I saw the full-size New Moon character posters. The one that really got me excited was Jasper. And then I know who else likes Jasper? Memory Jean! How much fun would it be to send FSJ to MJ's doorstep? That's where the plotting came into play. Not knowing MJ's address I contacted her bestie, Cutie. It was decided that Cutie would take care of the element of surprise. And that's where Cutie picks up the story. I humbly present to you, WBPH's first guest blogger, the cutest of all cutes, Cutie from Super Secret Twilight Blog!

*cutie blushes*

The honor is all mine, thou who's crotch doth fire.

*bows down before the flaming one*

You and Bitches run an amazing blog here on WBPH,

with Mr. Bitches and his shenanigans lurkin' about.

And I feel greatly honored that you have

asked me to be your first guest poster!

But you *points at the reader* aren't here to see me stick

my nose up Fire's ass. So let's get right to this tale.

When Fire emailed me that she was going to send Ms. Sassy Pants MJ

a full sized Jasper I knew something wonderful was about to take place!

For those of you who aren't aware, the MJ is slightly obsessed with the BoneMan.
**Thanks, I spit out my Cinnamon Dulce Latte when I read this line...the BoneMan, hehe.**

The meeting between the two was epic and

I could tell it was love at first sight:

I know...

I am speechless as well...

So... um...

*pondering the wrongness of what she just saw*


They got along reeeaaallllly well.

They just couldn't take their eyes off of one another!

Before you could say corn dog they were holding hands.

Ms MJ with her oh so subtle moves was making Jasper shiver.

But when she started with the light pettin':

...that's when we found out that the sun isn't the only thing

that makes vampires sparkle.

Jasper was having a hard time hiding his.. errr... happiness. **ew!**

And I found the need to leave the room quickly

when they moved their meeting to the couch...


the rest as they say is history...

The End.

(And I think we all know it was a happy ending. *grins wickedly*)

Note from MJ: *blushing profusely* This never happened....

Note from cutie: Keep telling yourself that, my friend. *giggles will hugging MJ*
Note from FC: You girls totally rocked this post and are welcome back any time. I love yous!


uhyesplease said...

That was freaking hysterical...DH was looking at me laughing at the computer like a crazy person.


PS - I was laughing WITH you...not at you...Promise...

donnersun said...

There is way too much going on for me right now to leave a sensible comment. Anya Marina is making me stupid. I'll come back tomorrow and say something deep. But seriously, this was funny as shit. :)

Angela Lynn said...

Did we really do that last night? Really? Wow...

Anonymous said...

I love this soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!

Heather said...

Mr. Widow just asked me what I was watching. I told him just some funny video. I wasn't going to tell him it was a disturbing video, he would want to watch it. He doesn't need to be scared of you ladies. Man FC, you're just sending all sorts of crap out to everyone, aren't ya?

marie said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! This post is great! You ladies are wonderful for finally giving MJ her Jasper. That is a love that I will never understand, truly. *shrugs* To each her own, right?

bierbeck said...

Oh my god that video was hilarious. Must go follow Memory Jean on Twitter now.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit balls, y'all are some funny fuckers. This is twi-homie-ism at it's best :)

Memory_Jean said...

*comes out of the den that she has been hiding in ever since this (didn't) happen last night*
thank you, you're all too kind *takes a bow & runs back into her den*

Memory_Jean said...

PS I am not crazy, I am pretty sure Cutie spiked my hot chocolate last night...

HungryVampire said...

That was fuckin' hysterical! Loved it.

Danny said...

ROFL; this was hilarious!

Betti Gefecht said...

Best of it: the look in Jasper's eyes... so lovingly devoted... omg.

Betti Gefecht said...

My verification word was "nonsenes" LOL

Anonymous said...

There is almost nothing better than MJ & FSJ.. ALmost.. except maybe Steak & Corn on the cob.. oh wait no thats not better than FSJ.

MJ I'm glad you got to know FSJ so well.. Loving him helps him.. woot!

Unknown said...

*laughing too hard to leave a coherent comment*

That. Was. Amazing.

Tina Quick said...

Bahahahaha!! I came up to my hotel room claiming the need to approve my staff's timesheets when really I needed some bloggy wonderment. Per usual, ya'll have left me laughing so hard my face hurts! MJ with her cat-like stalking....AWESOME!!

jrieggs said...

awesome ladies!!

Westy Rae said...

Holy crotch shot!!! No Memory Jean you are completely normal I would have done the same thing. He is so beautiful and all yours.
I am a bit jealous!

One Pushy Fox said...

You ladies are just frikin' hysterical!!!


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