Share our love of handbags, books, and all things gossip...okay, and Twilight too.

We're two delightfully crass gals who spend an inordinate amount of time texting and e-mailing one another throughout the day. We've decided to expound on some of our best work. Please to enjoy.


Time for Tasty Treats

It's my birthday, but I thought I would give you all a little somethin' somethin' from my weekend at the Twilight Convention in Atlanta with Amber from Eyes of Amber.

Me and the PFach. Yah, my boob is totally touching him.

Me and Daniel Cudmore (Felix). Totally swoon-worthy, but not in this pic. I may now be Team Felix. Amber almost copped a feel of Daniel's boo-tay since she's so short and he's so tall...heh. Oh, and I'm doing the patented "Heather face." Daniel laughed, heh.

Oh, and if anyone is looking for a last minute gift...this would be perfect.


Kim @citygirlinak said...

I freaking love your face, and I double-y love it when its next to Pfach's face. Word.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! *hugsandsmooches*

Honolulu Girl-Suz said...

Seriously I thought this was photoshopped. HEELLZ Yeah! Happy birthday!!! And I love your photos!! (Um, why does the top photo look like you both are married and that's your photo for Christmas postcards or something. I love it)

One Pushy Fox said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! And I totally think, as yet another Heather, I'm going to adopt your "Heather-face"! Great pictures!!!

Danny said...

Happpy Birthday !!!!!!! Wooohoooo!!! and the pics are awesome!!
You freaking met PFach !!

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

ZOMG! Lucky Boob!!!

Awesome pictures! Looks like you had the best birthday wish ever!

Anonymous said...

i got this for my birthday today.
it was torture, but i ate robert pattinson.

Trixie and Tess said...

I was there too! Maybe we saw each other. :) I have a pic almost just like that w/ PFach and another with Daniel and Christopher. It was so much fun...wish I could do it again soon!


Anonymous said...

I missed your birthday?! I grovel in knee-deep apologies... I'm so jealous of your freakin side-boob. Wait, no - no I'm not because I totally did the same damn thing!

**goes back to check my PFach pic**

Yep, totally smooshed some boobies in there and wrapped my hand around his waist so he couldn't escape. HA!

Haven't met Cudmore (yet), but I like the tall guys ;)

Long live the Heather Face!

Turner Syndrome said...

Thanks for sharing that. It was fun reading it. :-)

Dr. Muralidharan Manikes said...

Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!

Health and Wellness Blog India said...

That was a VERY interesting one! Seriously interesting.

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