Me and the PFach. Yah, my boob is totally touching him.
Oh, and if anyone is looking for a last minute gift...this would be perfect.
Share our love of handbags, books, and all things gossip...okay, and Twilight too.
Me and the PFach. Yah, my boob is totally touching him.
Okay, so it's been over two months since my last post. I know you have all missed me dearly. Um, well maybe not. The lurkers have still been checking out some choice images on the site pretty regularly though. Yup, I totally see you all. Anyhoo, what the eff have I been up to the last 2 months? Here's the update:
So, I'd like to welcome you all back and hope that I have whet your appetites for what is to come!
*I had to say those things about my coworkers because they found this blog 2 weeks ago and threatened to plaster pictures of me in the Snuggie and other compromising positions all over the office. Really they are mean, scary troll boys who only speak Klingon for fun.
It was definitely a Twi-Christmas in the FC household this year. From Bella and Edward Barbies to Team Jacob t-shirts (yes, for Mommy FC) to Twilight board games to Snuggies. Yes, I said it, Snuggies. I purchased 2 fleece blankets back on Black Friday and commanded Mommy and SIL FC to make me a Snuggie. Why not make it myself you ask? I didn't own a sewing machine (I do now...Mommy FC gave me one for Christmas...I think she may be telling me something. Perhaps it's, "Make your own damn Snuggie!" or maybe it's, "Hem your own effing pants!"). Anyway, Mommy FC told me a couple of weeks ago that we would need to discuss the "Snuggie situation" as there was a "Snuggie snafu." A Snuggie snafu? WTF? Needless to say I was a little more than disappointed, but I tried not to let on how down I was about it. I stayed strong.
And then I arrived home and SIL FC (also known as IvyLane24) was showing me a Twilight blanket that one of her annoying office co-workers gave her. Methinks she's not so annoying any more, but I digress. Anyway, Brother FC says, "Hey, why don't you make it into a Snuggie since you and Mom figured out how.", what? So, yeah, Brother FC totally blew Mommy FC's ruse out of the water. I think we all remember how SIL FC fooled me for months about her fanfic writing. Needless to say I was a little irritated that Mommy FC felt that she could pull the wool over my eyes a second time. She even went so far as to present me with a real Snuggie...hahahaha...she thought she was so funny!
Yes, this is the one I got...and yeah, it came with the special bonus reading light. So exciting! But then Mommy FC brought out the real deal and here I am modeling it for you.
Um, did you notice who's on my boobs? And then I made SIL FC model it as well. You may notice that the Snuggie only took one fleece blanket to yes, there is a second New Moon Snuggie hiding in my closet.